Privacy policy considers ensuring the right to the protection of personal data as a fundamental commitment, therefore your data will be processed in full accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679(“General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”), as well as with any other legislation applicable on the territory of Romania. As one of the essential principles of this legal framework is transparency, this document informs you about how we collect, use, transfer and protect your personal data when you interact with us in relation to our products and services, including through our website (

We reserve the right to periodically update and amend this Privacy Policy to reflect any changes in the way we process your personal data or any changes in legal requirements. In case of any such change, we will display on our website the modified version of the Privacy Policy, which is why we ask you to periodically check the content of this Privacy Policy.

The information presented below is intended to inform the user of more details about the placement, use and management of the “cookies” used by the website. There are also some useful links related to this topic.

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